Here at Julie Nolan Jewelry HQ we're holding a candle up into the dark night sky as winter sets in across America. Heading into this new year, it seems as though everyone is confused and scared and looking for answers. We've spent the last month and a half in our little pop-up store in the middle of Union Square in Manhattan talking to a seemingly endless stream of new faces and making lots of new friends along the way. I went into the Holiday Market this year filled with an overarching sense of dread as the results of the recent election were still fresh upon us. Our enterprise seemed utterly futile in the face of the uncertain and unknowable future. There certainly was enough sadness to go around in the faces of the strangers on the trains and in the streets of New York... but, there were mouths to feed back home, and I had a job to do. Ultimately, I was grateful that this job took me away from my own thoughts and required me to talk to strangers for 10 hours a day. Even at the most superficial level, my interactions with humanity this season were overwhelmingly positive. Sure there were a few creeps: a few stolen silver snakes.. a thief that tried to exchange her stolen constellation bracelet because it was the wrong sign! A vast majority of the people I met at our little store were respectful, thoughtful, and very nice. I even had a few great conversations with some really cool people that I hope to meet again soon. I wish I could say that the feeling of dread has gone away... It hasn't, but at least I know that I'm not alone. We're proud of our work here at Julie Nolan Jewelry. I hope that we brought some happiness into the world this holiday season. I hope for many brighter seasons to come. A very special thanks to all you lovers out there. Peace and love!